Travel information

How to get to KiCon

If you travel there from outside Spain, the fastest way is booking a flight. There are two suitable airports:

  • A Coruña has its own airport (LCG) at about 7km/4,35mi from the city. It has some international connections to London, Milan or Paris for example, and regular connections to Madrid or Barcelona, main airports in Spain. See connections here:

From the airport to the city center:

  • Santiago de Compostela airport (SCQ) is another option. At about 66km/41mi from A Coruña, it has more international connections, mainly to Europe.

See connections here:

From SCQ to A Coruña:

Choose “Aeropuerto Rosalía de Castro (SCQ)” as departure point and “A Coruña (Estación de autobuses)” (bus station) as destination point.

“Saídas do aeroporto” means departures from airport. Train station is near stop “Hórreo (estación)”.

      • then a train from Santiago de Compostela to A Coruña: check timetables at:

Choose “Santiago de Compostela” as departure and “A Coruña” as destination.

City transport

By bus

You can find more information about the city bus transport here:

A bus ticket costs 1.30€.

There is a special price if you use a transport city card (if you stay in the city for just a few days it would be very hard to get one), or if you use an app to pay the bus (requires Android and NFC).

By bike

There is a city bike renting service, 10€/month plus 0.015€/min (mechanical bike) or 0.030€/min (electric bike) price:

(no English page, please use Google Translate).

You also can find private companies renting bikes.

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